About Kyle Oliver
I'm Kyle, a pretty generalist developer that has done a variety of fullstack work, game modding / development, and task automation.
Favorite Personal Projects
- pychess - A Chess program written as practice following principles outlined in the book "Clean Code"
- bloons_auto - An API for playing btd6 (Bloons Tower Defense 6) with Python
- pydm - (WIP) - A Python package for converting Byond's dm files into Python compatible objects
- goon_parser - The precursor to pydm; A python Package that allows converting static data inside Byond's dm files into json.
Tools/Software I highly recommend
- Vimium - Adds Vim controls to your web browser. Even if you don't use Vim elsewhere it is super useful.
- Selenium IDE - Selenium is already nice, but there is a browser IDE that they have which allows you to record actions and then export them to code in your language of choice.
- Json Resume - A schema for your resume that allows for building and exporting into various themes with minimal hassle.
- Discord - A Festive book852#3902
- Email - 56kyleoliver@gmail.com
Pinned Repositories
- pytest-create - A Python CLI and library for generating pytests
- pydm - A Python CLI/package that converts DM files into Python modules and vice versa.
- bloons_auto - A series of tools and scripts for automating BTD6. Also includes an API for automating basic gameplay.
- thunder_henry_converter - A set of scripts used to convert the naming inside the Thunder Henry repo to the name you want for your survivor
- ability_addition - A dota 2 custom game library for rerolling abilities
- mono_py_api - This is a python library that is meant to generate an API that allows for hooking into Mono using frida's python bindings.
Contribution settings
343 contributions in the last year